Welcome to our Local


Welcome to the ETFO Durham DECE Local, represented by the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario (ETFO).

We currently represent over 300 permanent Designated Early Childhood Educators (DECE) working in the Full Day Kindergarten Program with the Durham District School Board (DDSB).

In  the summer of 2010, ETFO began to organize Early Childhood Educators from across the province.

In the Fall of 2010 the first of five phases rolled out in our Ontario schools.  This included the hiring of 45 Early Childhood Educators across 16 schools within the Durham District School Board.  This was a great opportunity for both an Early Childhood Educator and Teacher to use there expertise and work collaboratively with kindergarten students in the Full Day Kindergarten Program.  

Our first meeting with our ETFO Liasion was held on December 8, 2010, where our first Local Executive was voted in. The Executive since then has helped to develop our local from the grass roots including: approving our Local Constitution, creating committees and developing the day to day operations of the local.  Our First Collective Agreement was reached in late 2013.